Freud and The Dreams

Freud used the dreams of his patients because he knew that he could not measure or pinpoint the findings he obtained during psychoanalysis. In his experience, when the dreams were thoroughly examined, he made clear the repressed desires, anxieties or fears of the person.

Dreams and Subconscious

Dreams, contrary to popular belief, may not always be explained as seen. Memories that we don’t like and that we squeeze into our subconscious do their best to hide and not to appear. So, although our dreams try to explain what is happening deep in our heads, sometimes it is necessary to study the dream in depth to understand what it wants to say.  

Some of our dreams don’t want to show us the truth. In fact, they’ll do their best to make sure we don’t know what’s going on. Dreams are very good at writing scripts. In fact, sometimes the script seems so understandable that we don’t even need further examination. Thus, by staying on the surface, we do not infect those who lie deep inside and the dream successfully completes its mission.

Secret and Direct Dreams

Freud divides dreams into dreams with hidden content and open content. Hidden content is symbolic, corresponding to the underlying desires of the dreamer. The dreams we have in this way offer us our hidden desires with a kind of censorship. That way, it protects us from the anxiety we’re going to have.

Direct content, which is clearly obvious, is usually based on everyday events. For example, someone who has not had sexual intercourse for a long time and needs it can experience sexual intercourse in his dream. As for who and how, interpreting this detail may require much deeper research.

A single person or event can have two interrelated meanings

Sometimes the person we dream of may correspond to two people. Let’s say you dream about a man in a suit: this man can be both your father and your boss. While the father figure expresses the need for compassion; the boss can mean a desire to be appreciated or rewarded. These two can also be interpreted together.


Displacement happens when we see a person or object of value to us as another person or object that is not very valuable. For example, if we are deeply affected by seeing a relative that we have lost, in our dream this person may appear as a gazelle or horse. When we examine it, its common characteristics will surely come out, but the dreamer will not apparently understand it, so that he will be free of the possible stress that the dream will create.


According to the theory of detailing, the hidden content in our subconscious and our desires come together to form a plausible story. This seemingly very likely story makes the realities of our subconscious completely incomprehensible. Everything seems very understandable, but it’s not what it seems at all.

Today, although there is no conclusive scientific evidence that dreams still exist one way or another, it is obvious that one tells a lot about one’s self in a short way. Dreams tell what they want to say in the light of your own values, culture, fears and anxieties. What’s on your mind belongs to you. Our interpretation only offers clues from our world. If you ask me, care about your dreams. Write down what you remember and read it as you please. I have no doubt you’ll see something there.

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